Sunday, February 28, 2010

one year.

It's been one year since we moved to Saint Petersburg, FL.

A LOT has happened in one year. We opened up our business, got a new puppy, got pregnant, and are now getting ready for baby. All in just one year.

Our years are really never uneventful now that I think about it. We met and got married within one year. We moved to and from hawaii in a little over a year. We started a grass roots business in less than a year. Yeah, we Welte's go big or go home I guess.

st. pete - our new home.

Charlie and his new little brother, Dakine

Crescent Lake - right by our house.

The beautiful Gulf of Mexico!

Don't feed the aligators!!! I still haven't seen one yet.....

Beautiful downtown St. Pete!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Tonight is the night!!!! We will be saying lots of prayers for you, Brody and Baby Welte!
    Love, Kristie and Burton
