Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I promise to post a belly shot tomorrow....

I am 36 weeks today! Almost there - next week I will officially be full-term and I will be willing baby Welte to arrive!! I have no idea when it will be however and that bit of mystery is about to drive me nuts! I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything looked good. Next week I go back for a measurement ultrasound so we'll get an estimate on just how big of a baby I have been hauling around these last 9 months! I am thinking it is going to be in the 7lb range, but we'll see!

I am going to tour the brand new hospital on Saturday. Brody can't make it so I'll be a single mom there, but I am excited to see the new digs!

Other than that, we are hanging in! Praying for WARM FLORIDA weather.

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