Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baby Welte is Almost Here!

OK so I have no pictures this week. I will try to post one tomorrow of my big belly because I am being induced on Wednesday!!

I went to the doctor last week and have had no labor progression (no dialation) so due to the size of the baby, she recommended inducement at 39 weeks. This will give me the best chance to have a vaginal delivery. I check-in Tuesday night at 10:30p.m. where they will give me some meds to help with the dialation and then begin the inducement the next morning! I have to say I am hoping that I go on my own before Wednesday as I know being induced can prolong labor, etc. We'll see though, I am not thinking it is going to happen as this baby seems pretty content where he or she is! Can I tell you how excited I am to not have to refer to "it" as a "he or she". Couple more days and we'll actually know if we are dealing with a boy or girl!

Don't ask me if we have names. This has been the hardest part of this entire pregnancy and no we don't! We will just have to wait and see what it is and then hope the name comes to us as we can't seem to agree on ANYTHING!

Grammy Fahey is arriving in Tampa tomorrow and is ready for the birth. She will be on doggie duty too, as we can't forget we already have two very needy babies at home.

Stay tuned as we should have excited news in the next few days.......

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