Friday, November 16, 2012

Life with 2.

Life with two has proven to be...hmmm how should I put this.  C-R-A-Z-Y!!

As most of you know, Asher got pretty sick and was hospitalized for a potential staph infection.  We were there for about 3 days and he was a trooper.  At just a week old he had a lumbar puncture (which is pretty much a spinal tap), lots of blook work and cultures and an IV.  After 3 days of IV anti-biotics, he was looking MUCH better.  The cultures all came back negative and it's pretty inconclusive as to what he actually had, but all his doctors and the infectious disease doctor pretty much confirmed it was most likely a skin staph infection that was caught early.  I am so grateful for the doctors and nursing staff who took good care of us and that God healed sweet Asher and he is doing great now.  My mom was in town which was another blessing as she helped Brody out with Jonah while I was in the hospital.

Now that we are home, we are trying to adjust to life with 2 kids.  It's a big adjustment!!!  I have been having some issues with breastfeeding and Asher is still not up to his birth weight at 3 weeks, so his pediatrician had me see a lactation consultant.  I have decided the best thing for my family is for me to pump what I have and supplement with formula.  The most important thing is that Asher gains weight so I will just have to swallow my guilt of not being able to breastfeed again and do what's best for him.  I will try to pump as much as I can so he can still get some of the good stuff, but like I said earlier it is CRAZY around here and finding time to pump with a 2 1/2 year old and screaming newborn is quite stressful!!!

Jonah continues to be a great big brother!  He hasn't acted out toward Asher at all.  He still pretty much ignores him, but every once in a while I catch him saying "hi baby asher" and patting his head. 

Asher is an OK sleeper, pretty much an average newborn, up every 2-3 hours for food at night.  He tends to be pretty awake around 2a.m. too and has wide eyes open for an hour or two in the early morning hours so I am a very tired momma!

We've had lots of vistors, my mom was here for almost two weeks and helped cook, clean and take care of me!  It was a HUGE help to have an extra set of hands.  I was by myself for about 2 days after she left and I about went batty!  My best friend Vicky is visiting now and she even got up at 2a.m. and rocked Asher back to sleep so I could rest - SCORE!  I am getting spoiled!!!  Brody's mom arrives here on Monday for a two week visit too.  I will probably  have a mental collapse in December when all my help is gone and I am alone with two crazy boys, but for now I am happy to take full advantage.

Here are some pictures I have managed to take over the last few weeks.


The start of his staph infection...poor baby!

This is when I knew something was definetly wrong!

The IV was the worst part! 

Looking 100% better and happy to be home from hospital!

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