Monday, November 26, 2012

f is for friend. and z is for zoo.

After my mom left, we were lucky to have my best friend Vicky come visit for a few days.  I call her the baby whisperer as she was so great with Asher.  He always stopped crying when Aunt Vicky held him.  She even got up at 2a.m. to rock him back to sleep when he was done eating - score for mommy!

If you know Vicky, you know one of our stops during her visit  had to be the zoo.  Jonah had no complaints as he loves the zoo! 

Asher was a champ the whole day.

My little "old" man.  We call him Benjamin Button.  If you've seen the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" you see why :)

Now that I have a newborn, Jonah just seems so grown up to me.  Can't believe he is going to be 3 in a few months.

The double stroller and all the stuff!  Makes packing up and going anywhere quite the challenge.

Getting big!  Already 4 weeks old!!

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