Friday, November 2, 2012

Asher Edward

Well most of you know but I gave birth last friday to Asher Edward!  It was a very uneventful and well easy (compared to my 1st) delivery and he is just perfect!  He is also a carbon copy of his brother.  I seriously thought I gave birth to Jonah's twin 2 years later.

He was 8lbs 5oz and 21 inches long.  Just about the same size as his big brother. (8lbs 8oz, 21 1/4).  We are adjusting to life with two children now and learning how to juggle it all.  My mom is here now which helps and Jonah is just being a rockstar of a big brother.  My fears of tantrums and jealously seemed to have been just that a fear, not a reality.  While I know we are only a week in and there are going to be plenty of times when he freaks out, I am just very happy to report that Jonah has adjusted to being a big brother quite well.  He is very protective of Asher and doesn't seem to mind when Mom holds, feeds, changes or coos at the baby.  The only time that he has freaked out, which was completely my fault, was when I called Asher "Boo Bear", which is my name for Jonah.  He was not a fan of that.

Here are some pictures of our first week together.  Unfortunately everyone is right and the second child definetly gets the shaft.  I haven't taken as many pictures of him, nor updated his baby book!!!  Poor guy.

Asher (means happiness.  It's a biblical name, Jacob's 8th child (2nd son) and God promised Asher a life full of abundance). 

Edward (named after my maternal grandfather Edward James Walsh, whom we miss every single day!).

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