Friday, February 4, 2011

Jonah meets Mickey!!

Yesterday we went to Disney World.  We both knew going in it was either going to be a fun day or a disaster.  With an 11-month old, outings tend to go either way.  Luckily for us it was awesome!  Jonah did so good!  Brody had bet me that Jonah would freak out and cry when he saw the characters.  I won.  Jonah didn't just like them - he LOVED them.  He ran to them.  He hugged them.  He even kissed a few.  Here is a sneak peak at our fun.  The video is Jonah's first glimpse of Mickey....the smile says it all.

More pics to come of our fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are brave. I'm glad he had fun. James definitely would have screamed when he saw Mickey!
