Monday, February 14, 2011

why I love my Valentines...

Jonah enjoys Playhouse Disney in the morning with his milk and cheerios, Brody enjoys Sports Center in the morning with his yogurt and granola.

When I ask Jonah any question, he shakes his head no.  Brody usually says no too.

Both my boys are picky eaters.

Jonah can't keep his hands off cell phones, remotes and computers.  Brody can't keep his hands his cell phone, remote and computer.

They laugh really hard at the dogs.

They make a mess around the house.

Jonah inherited Brody's sweet tooth as all I can get him to eat are watermelon and strawberries.

Jonah loves walks especially with cheerios on board.  Brody isn't as big of a fan of the walks, but he'll go cause he knows I love them!

Brody will straighten up the house and start the laundry when I out.

Jonah gives me kisses without even having to ask.

Brody will sit through "Signing Time", Jonah's favorite (and sometimes annoying) DVD and even play along.

Brody enjoys the "kid food" more than Jonah.  I buy a lot of Goldfish.

Brody claims to not be an Oprah fan, but I catch him watching.

Jonah sleeps through the night, every night.

Jonah will sit in the bath tub until it turns ice cold splashing the whole time.

They both make me laugh and very happy, everyday.

Happy Valentine's Day Brody and Jonah!  Lovelovelovelovelove YOU!

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