Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Little Rock.

Jonah and I had a great time in Little Rock visiting Jody, J, Lilly and Isabelle.

We had a few rough flights but the trip was worth it in the end!

Jonah really had a good time with his cousins.  He followed Lilly around everywhere she went, they always seemed to be getting into something they shouldn't have.  I think Lilly enjoyed having someone else to stir trouble with.  Jonah LOVED Isabelle - almost too much.  He tried to kiss her all day long.  Unfortunately for Isabelle, Jonah kisses hard and toward the end of the week she was over it and him!

We hung out around Jody's house  most of the day, all three were on different nap schedules so we were basically stuck indoors but I didn't mind at all!  It was so nice just relaxing and spending time with everyone.

Lilly is so smart and is a really big talker!  She is very sweet to her sister who I wanted to take home with me in my suitcase!  Isabelle is by far the best baby I have ever seen.  She is sooooo good.
Here are some snap shots from our adventure!

Sweet Isabelle!!  LOVE HER!

You never knew what these two were getting into.....usually the recycling!

Mr. Clean with his vacuum. 

Jonah loved this chair!  He wasn't so great at sitting in it, but he climbed all over it all week!

The Twins.

Getting a good picture of the three of them was IMPOSSIBLE!  This is the best we got....

Jonah and Isabelle going after eachother again....

Getting into trouble....

Jonah trying to kiss Isabelle - as you can see his mouth is wide open going in for the kill (poor belle)


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