Sunday, February 28, 2010

one year.

It's been one year since we moved to Saint Petersburg, FL.

A LOT has happened in one year. We opened up our business, got a new puppy, got pregnant, and are now getting ready for baby. All in just one year.

Our years are really never uneventful now that I think about it. We met and got married within one year. We moved to and from hawaii in a little over a year. We started a grass roots business in less than a year. Yeah, we Welte's go big or go home I guess.

st. pete - our new home.

Charlie and his new little brother, Dakine

Crescent Lake - right by our house.

The beautiful Gulf of Mexico!

Don't feed the aligators!!! I still haven't seen one yet.....

Beautiful downtown St. Pete!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baby Welte is Almost Here!

OK so I have no pictures this week. I will try to post one tomorrow of my big belly because I am being induced on Wednesday!!

I went to the doctor last week and have had no labor progression (no dialation) so due to the size of the baby, she recommended inducement at 39 weeks. This will give me the best chance to have a vaginal delivery. I check-in Tuesday night at 10:30p.m. where they will give me some meds to help with the dialation and then begin the inducement the next morning! I have to say I am hoping that I go on my own before Wednesday as I know being induced can prolong labor, etc. We'll see though, I am not thinking it is going to happen as this baby seems pretty content where he or she is! Can I tell you how excited I am to not have to refer to "it" as a "he or she". Couple more days and we'll actually know if we are dealing with a boy or girl!

Don't ask me if we have names. This has been the hardest part of this entire pregnancy and no we don't! We will just have to wait and see what it is and then hope the name comes to us as we can't seem to agree on ANYTHING!

Grammy Fahey is arriving in Tampa tomorrow and is ready for the birth. She will be on doggie duty too, as we can't forget we already have two very needy babies at home.

Stay tuned as we should have excited news in the next few days.......

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

37 weeks & pregnant with a LARGE baby

Had my 37 week appointment today. They gave me an ultrasound to check on the grow of our little one. Little was not....they gave me an estimated weight of 8lbs 6oz, a full 2 pounds ahead of what it should be at this stage.

They didn't seem too concerned, said my fluids were good and that I just had a big baby. They won't even consider inducement until at least 39 weeks because at this point in the pregnancy the lungs may or may not be ready for life on the outside and they won't risk taking the baby out until it's ready! They also said that the measurements can be off by a pound either way so it's not a guarantee. My doctor and Brody were joking that the baby will be able to drive itself home....hahaha, funny for them, but they aren't the ones that have to push it out!!!! I am hoping that it doesn't get too big and I can do it w/o having to have a c-section, but we'll do what we have to do I guess.

We'll keep you all in the loop! I am secretly hoping that he/she will decide to come out next week on it's own (as long as it's healthy).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I promise to post a belly shot tomorrow....

I am 36 weeks today! Almost there - next week I will officially be full-term and I will be willing baby Welte to arrive!! I have no idea when it will be however and that bit of mystery is about to drive me nuts! I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything looked good. Next week I go back for a measurement ultrasound so we'll get an estimate on just how big of a baby I have been hauling around these last 9 months! I am thinking it is going to be in the 7lb range, but we'll see!

I am going to tour the brand new hospital on Saturday. Brody can't make it so I'll be a single mom there, but I am excited to see the new digs!

Other than that, we are hanging in! Praying for WARM FLORIDA weather.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Stand Up Fitness featured in Saint Pete Times

Here is an article that came out today from Brody's trip to the Everglades!!

False Labor, Stress and Cold Weather

It's been a very long and somewhat stressful week in the Welte household. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and have been experiencing some cramping so they hooked me up to a fetal monitor and sure enough I was having contractions about every 10 minutes. They checked my cervix and I wasn't dialted so they sent me home to be on "watch". The cramps increased over the last few days so I called yesterday to head back in. They went ahead and told me just to go to the hospital, so Brody and I went yesterday - a very nervous drive there!!! Turns out nothing had changed, still no dilation. They gave me a shot for the cramping and told me that the baby looked good and that the cramping is probably just my body getting ready! Soooo despite what a lot of other moms have experienced, my cramping doesn't seem to be labor, but just an annoying companion of mine these days!

It still could happen I guess at any time, so my bags are packed and we are ready - I am not going back to the hospital though until I am 100% sure that Baby Welte is coming.

Business has slowed for everyone in FL. The tourist season is supposed to be in full swing now, but with the weather people have chose to not come, or aren't doing any outdoor activities. It's definetly trying for our not yet year old business, but we are hanging in there trying to settle everything for when I am out of commission for a few weeks. We need to find some help with our shop, lessons, etc. Add to all that and our computer crashed. Thank goodness we had it backed-up (we still lost about a week of work) but it could have been worse. So we had to buy a new computer last week and try to redeem all our files. It's so amazing how dependant your lives become on technology!!!

We had our Manatee Paddle last Sunday which was fun, but FREEZING. Manatee can only survive in water that is 70 degrees or higher so they head over to the Tampa Electric Company in the winter. The power plant heats up the water and there are hundreds of them hanging out - it's really cool.