Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Colorado Springs.

So I was brave enough to book a flight to Colorado to visit the Agnews.
Not so brave you might say?
Well I did it all alone!  Yes alone, with a 4 year old and a 18 month old.
I really thought Asher was going to be the traveling nightmare, I mean  he is on the go 24/7 and won't sit still for a minute let alone a 2 hour flight.
Asher was a champ.  He did pretty good on both flights, slept amazing at Aunt Jody's house and while he got into everything at her house, he was overall an ideal guest.
Jonah, my sweet Jonah, on the other hand turned out to be a traveler's worst fear.
He had meltdowns on each flight.  Note to self - GET THE DARN KID A WINDOW SEAT!!
And he slept horrible the whole time.
BUT BUT BUT - we had a GREAT time.
It was so fun watching everyone play together and get to visit with my mom and sister.
Pain to get there - worth the effort!

These three got along beautifully!!  Jonah and Isabelle are kindred spirits I think.  These two would get into lots of trouble if they lived closer.  And my sweet Lilly is  just so precious and good natured.

Mimi with all her kids!

Jonah and Lilly really got into Putt Putt.  Isabelle wanted nothing to do with it!

Uncle J took the boys up to the Academy and both were so excited to see the planes.

Maybe a future cadet?

These two loves were my favorite.  At just 3 days apart it was so cute to watch them interact.  I wish we lived closer so they could really grow up together, but we will all do our best to get together a few times a year.  The Agnews might need to charter a plane with their growing broad, but we'll make it happen somehow!

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