Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pop Pop.

I am a tad bit late on this post.
Ok so I haven't posted anything in over a month (sorry Grandma).
Over Spring Break my dad got to come and visit.
We had a really fun time!  He got to paddleboard everyday, check out the sales at the local surf shops and hang out with his two crazy grandsons.  I think he had a great time, I know my boys loved having him here!
We went to the beach for dinner one night and it was so fun!  Grilled hotdogs, flew kites and got really sandy.

My heart.

We've had a few super HOT days here in Cardiff, so I decided I better break out the muscle tees.

Chasing bubbles on the beach with Pop Pop.  Love this picture.  So happy my boys get to play and have fun with my dad.  Watching them fills me with such joy.

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