Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Photo Dump.

Sorry Grandma - it's been almost two months since I posted. 
I will photo dump some highlights :)

Both the boys have a MAJOR sweet tooth.  Must get it from their Great Grandma Walsh :).  Asher especially loves anything with sugar!  Trader Joe's has these mini ice cream cones which are the perfect size for my little guys.  They beg for one after dinner almost every night.

Asher loves his daddy!  He's a lot more attached to Brody than Jonah was at his age.

Fun lunch at Padaro's on our way to Santa Barbara.  This restaurant is very smart!  They have a giant sandbox in the center surrounded by picnic tables so you can eat your burger in peace while the kids play!

Asher is obsessed with the TV Show, Peppa Pig.  I just ordered him these Peppa Pig dolls and he sleeps with them every night.

Found this gem on the side of the road!  The boys don't really play with it like I thought they would, but I thought it was a fun find!

They still love to play with the capes I made for Jonah's bday party.  They play together so much more now, which makes me very happy!

This is their absolute go to thing outside.  They scoot everywhere.  Asher is ridiculously good.  He is so coordinated!

My big boy on his first and last day of Preschool!!  He'll be in Pre-K next year.  I will be crying on his last day there....

Jonah likes to go on hikes with me and the dogs.  He walks the whole mile loop by our house!  Toward the end he complains most of the time, but he can do it! 

We have this little farm near our house that has pony rides on Wednesdays.  Took the boys there the other day.  Jonah's rode on a pony/horse before but this was Asher's first time!

We went to Santa Barbara this past weekend to pick up some bunk beds for the boys.  It was a quick trip but everyone did pretty good!  Santa Barbara is a beautiful place!  Traveling with kids is not as much fun, but we made the best of it and the boys got a really nice bunk bed out of it!

Brody and I at the San Diego Fair!

My personal superhero.
There were many more memories and I wish I could record them all!!  Being a mom, helping with the business and other life duties has wiped me out! 

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