Wednesday, June 15, 2011

east coast.

Even though we live on the East Coast we are considered west coasters in Florida.  My good friend Tracy's family has an oceanfront condo in New Symrna Beach (on the East Coast) of Florida.  She invited Jonah and I for a visit and we loaded up our bathing suits, beach towels and ridiculous amounts of diapers, snacks, sippy cups, blankets, toys....last minute getaways aren't what they used to be.....and hit the road!

Jonah did OK in the car.  I left at naptime praying for a sleeping baby for all, or most, of the way.  Jonah had other plans and convenietly woke up around Disney World.  I almost pulled over and booked a night at the Magic Kingdom, but we pressed on and made it to the Atlantic with only a few tears.

What a relaxing few days we had!  It was nice to get away from St. Pete and the business, take walks on the boardwalk, sit in the sun and swim in the pool!  Tracy's kids even got me to go surfing!

Jonah is such a big boy now and insists on walking everywhere, he especially liked walking on all the sidewalks all by himself.

Walking in the sand was a little more difficult

Low tide provided yards of pristine beach

No fear, Jonah ran to the surf and splashed without a care!  The only thing he didn't like was leaving.

Jonah with Tracy's boys, Christian and Matthew. 

He loves them.  Makes me so happy to see him playing with friends, even if they are quite a bit older :)

These turtles were all over the place!  One of my favorite parts about New Symrna.

We had a wonderful time and hopefully the Grahams will invite us back later this summer.  It was definetly a treat!

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