Friday, June 10, 2011

Children's Museum.

Yesterday, Jonah and I ventured over to the new Children's Museum in Tampa.

He was really into the water part of the museum (surprise, surprise) and splashed around, played with boats and managed to soak his clothes within the first 5 minutes of our arrival.

His next favorite was the tunnel!  He goes through tunnels at our open gym time too.  I may need to buy one of these soon, cause he loves loves to go through them, especially if mommy is waving on the other end.

Ball in hand.  We didn't let go of that ALL day.  I had to practically rip it out of his hands before we left to avoid theft :)

We also had a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon.  Jonah is gaining weight despite his lack of interest in eating, so that is good.  He is doing great!  Growing, hitting all his milestones and then some and is healthy as a horse!  We are very blessed indeed!

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