Monday, February 28, 2011


I have been thinking a lot lately about purpose.  Do we have one?  How do we find ours?  I have always believed that God has given us one, that each person is put on this earth to serve in one way or another.  I am not a doctor, I won't ever find the cure for cancer or heal the sick.  I am not a teacher and will never influence a classroom of young minds.  I am not a solider and will never know what's like to fight for freedom.  I don't really have a profession at all, no career, no daily impact on the world.  I am however a mom, and I think in that, I have found my purpose.

This past year has been one of the hardest and most fufilling jobs I have ever had.  You can read all the books you can fill your head with about how to care for a baby.  How to properly feed.  When to switch to solid foods.  What brands of car seats and stollers to buy.  You can prepare for a baby quite easily.  You can fill your house with swings and jumpers, diapers and bottles.  You can almost convince yourself you have it covered.  And then comes baby!

For me, the shock wasn't the night feedings or number of diapers you change.  It was the overwhelming, all consuming, unconditional love you have toward your child.  Nothing can prepare you for that.  If you are ever looking for a way to get closer to God - then have a baby!  You can begin to understand his love for us as you look at your child.  I am so blessed that God chose me to be a mom, that his purpose for me was to raise my little boy into what I hope to be a God fearing man who is kind, compassionate, strong and giving. 

Jonah may grow up to be a doctor, teacher or solider, I know God has a purpose for him.  I am just so thankful that I was chosen to be his mom tohelp him find it.

On Thursday, he turns a year old.  It's been the best year of my life and I am so looking forward to what's ahead for us!

Friday, February 25, 2011

a day at the park.

It's a park kind of a day
Lots to do and lots to see
Run, climb, jump, and laugh and play!

Sunny days in Florida mean we are outside, Jonah demands it!
Pushing the stroller round and round....Mr. Jonah's favorite pasttime.

A cool sippy cup of water is a definite companion.

Large open spaces to run, run, run.

Stopping to make some friends and fly a kite.

Checking in with Mom.

Checking out the playground equipment - not quite sure how it all works yet.

Taking life by the wheel - ahhh the day of an almost one year old.  Ain't too bad!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

ready. set. go!!

We put on our 3rd race in our Winter Races Series this weekend.  Couldn't have asked for better weather, or a better baby!  The outdoors agrees with my son.  He did so well at the race!  Thank goodness for good help, as I was chasing Jonah around all day and didn't really help much with the race, but it went off without a hitch and everyone had a really great time!  We have our final race in the series next month and then we get ready for our BIG race coming up in May.  I am tired just thinking about it....

Here are some cute pictures of Jonah running around like a crazy person and a few of the race!

Jonah loved these race buoys

Jonah and Jeff, the owner of YOLO Board (the boards we carry!)

We had about 60 racers, not bad for a small regional race!

Monday, February 14, 2011

why I love my Valentines...

Jonah enjoys Playhouse Disney in the morning with his milk and cheerios, Brody enjoys Sports Center in the morning with his yogurt and granola.

When I ask Jonah any question, he shakes his head no.  Brody usually says no too.

Both my boys are picky eaters.

Jonah can't keep his hands off cell phones, remotes and computers.  Brody can't keep his hands his cell phone, remote and computer.

They laugh really hard at the dogs.

They make a mess around the house.

Jonah inherited Brody's sweet tooth as all I can get him to eat are watermelon and strawberries.

Jonah loves walks especially with cheerios on board.  Brody isn't as big of a fan of the walks, but he'll go cause he knows I love them!

Brody will straighten up the house and start the laundry when I out.

Jonah gives me kisses without even having to ask.

Brody will sit through "Signing Time", Jonah's favorite (and sometimes annoying) DVD and even play along.

Brody enjoys the "kid food" more than Jonah.  I buy a lot of Goldfish.

Brody claims to not be an Oprah fan, but I catch him watching.

Jonah sleeps through the night, every night.

Jonah will sit in the bath tub until it turns ice cold splashing the whole time.

They both make me laugh and very happy, everyday.

Happy Valentine's Day Brody and Jonah!  Lovelovelovelovelove YOU!

Friday, February 4, 2011

the happiest place on earth.

Ok I have to admit, I drank the disney cool-aid.  I would move in if I could.  And Jonah inherited my love for theme parks.  He was beyond good for his first trip to an amusement park and his first trip was the King of all parks - the Magic Kingdom!

We went mainly because Brody's brother's family was in Orlando visiting Disney for the week.  We thought we could visit with them - why not go??  Yes it was expensive - I mean they make a killing at these parks.  Between parking, food, souveiners, and the park tickets, I could have paid for Jonah's first year of college.  That said - I'd do it again today. 

Jonah loved every minute.  He ran around like a crazy person ( I definetly recommend Disney trips in January/February  mid-week).  No lines, few crowds, mild weather.  He went on a few rides - Small World, Peter Pan and Buzz Lightyear.  He got (and actually wore) Mickey ears.  He watched the parade and fireworks.  He didn't fuss, even though he didn't nap ALL day.  He watched the Pirates of the Caribbean show.  He drank lots of water out of his sippy cup (yay!  I am excited he is liking the sippy cup, because he is almost a year and that means no more bottles!!). 

AND the best part of the day - he LOVED LOVED LOVED the characters.  As I previously mentioned, Brody assumed we'd have a screaming scared baby on our hands, but Jonah knew better.  It was hilarous how much he liked them.  You have to wait in line to get your picture taken with one and Jonah would run from the back of the line to the front with open arms toward them.  Disney could have made a commercial out of his reactions.  But if you know my son, you know his affections for a certain mouse.  Mickey was the highlight of the day.  He gave him kisses, hugs and it warmed my heart so much!

Just arrived!!
He actually wore his Mickey ears...

Best reaction ever!!!

Giving Minnie kisses...

I think one of Jonah's favorite parts of the day was the wide open spaces....he ran around everywhere!

BIG fan of Tigger too!  He's never seen Winnie the Pooh, but that didn't stop him from spreading the love...

Jonah with Cousin Owen!

Donald Duck!  Donald was the first character we saw...and to our surprise no tears, just smiles!

All day I wished Lilly and Isabelle were with me!  Princess' definetly rule this place, Lilly would have been in heaven!

One of the best parts of the day was spending it with Dad!  No emails, no phone calls, no paddle boards - it was GREAT!

With arms wide open.

We were asleep for Buzz.

Goofy was our last character we saw!

So yes, maybe taking an 11-month old to Disney is a bit ridiculous since he won't remember, but I will.  And it was one of the best days.  I will never forget his joy.  It really is the happiest place on earth!

Jonah meets Mickey!!

Yesterday we went to Disney World.  We both knew going in it was either going to be a fun day or a disaster.  With an 11-month old, outings tend to go either way.  Luckily for us it was awesome!  Jonah did so good!  Brody had bet me that Jonah would freak out and cry when he saw the characters.  I won.  Jonah didn't just like them - he LOVED them.  He ran to them.  He hugged them.  He even kissed a few.  Here is a sneak peak at our fun.  The video is Jonah's first glimpse of Mickey....the smile says it all.

More pics to come of our fun day!