Saturday, December 25, 2010

very merry.

We had a very merry Christmas in Florida this year. Having babies makes these holidays so much more fun. I loved putting all of Jonah's presents under the tree last night. Putting together his rocking horse, laying out his train. This morning I was the first to wake up, which doesn't happen too often. I put my robe and slippers on, brewed a cup of coffee and got started on our traditional egg and sausage casserole that we have each year at Christmas.

Jonah happily tore through his gifts. He loved his rocking horse from Mimi and Pop Pop and he especially loved his talking Mickey Mouse.

After presents were opened we went on our first family bike ride. I love biking so I was really excited to try out our new bike trailer with Jonah. He did great, just relaxed drinking his milk and eating cheerios, he even fell asleep!

We had a great day and hopefully all of you reading had a very Merry Christmas!

The Tree with all of Jonah's presents!

Jonah on his new rocking horse

Handmade wooden train from Brody's parents. The guy who made this is 87!

I call this toy the "doctor's office toy" but he loved it! He kept trying to eat the beads...

Tearing it up!

Another rocking horse shot - he really loves it!

Family bike ride - so fun!!


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