Thursday, December 30, 2010

a big year.

We've had an exciting, life-changing, sometimes scary, most definetly stressful 2010. Not only have we grown our grass roots business, but we had a very special baby that has changed our lives forever!

2010 has been one of the hardest years of my life, but I wouldn't change a thing - it's been amazing!

We started the year with lots of anticipation to meet our baby. At this point we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl!
We welcomed Jonah Alexander Welte at 12:29p.m. on March 3rd weighing in at 8lbs 8oz and 21 1/4 inches long!
Jonah has grown up so fast! He enjoyed a visit from his Nana Welte and his Great-Grandma Barlage at 5 weeks.
7 weeks old!
In May, we put together a very exciting event with pro surfer Dave Kalama. Brody has already done a 2nd Kalama Kamp in Turks and Caicos this past November. Both very sucessful events! We are planning four more in 2011 - Turks & Caicos, Key West, Southern California and Fuji - Not bad!!!
2010 also marked our first Gulf Coast Stand Up Championship. This event was a lot of work, but a HUGE success. We are already working on the 2011 race.
Jonah got his first taste of real food around 4 months - sweet potatoes!
In July, Jonah had his first plane trip to North Carolina to visit with his Mimi and Pop Pop. We had a great visit and Jonah got to go to Hatteras, NC!
Hatteras is one of my favorite places so it was so great to take him here, I hope to make it a yearly tradition!
Jonah got to meet his Great Grandma Walsh in July.
July also marked the first time he met his cousins, Lilly and Isabelle!
6 months old and we officially had our hands full! Jonah started to crawl around 5 months, but by 6 he was unstoppable!
Jonah was a pumpkin for Halloween!
We went to a huge Fall Festival about an hour South of us, Jonah didn't seem to care at all, but having kids allows you to relive your childhood, so Brody and I had a blast!
Thanksgiving really tired us out.
Jonah is such a big boy now, he is walking about 6 steps on his own before he falls :) I can't believe he is almost walking!!
Our Family!!
We went to VA a few weeks ago and Jonah got to meet all the Walsh cousins and visit with Mimi and Pop Pop.
Jonah's first snow!!

I was going to post Christmas pics, but we just did that so I'll spare you!

We are looking forward to an exciting 2011!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR from The Weltes!!!

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