Friday, December 17, 2010


We had a wonderful visit with LOTS of family and friends last week. I was told by more than one person that I was in fact CRAZY for planning the itinerary I had with a 9 month old, but I was determined to see as many people as I could.
Jonah had a chance to meet lots of his cousins. I was really excited to see the Walsh Family and meet the two newest additions, James and Hunter. Walshes tend to produce girls, lots of girls, so the Baby Boom of 2010 gave us 3 very handsome healthy boys and it was great to get them all together. There was Carson and Elizabeth the big girl cousins with Jonah, James and Hunter!
We also had a chance to see my friend from JMU Vanessa! I know, we saw A LOT of people! She was kind enough to drive me from Baltimore to Northern Virginia (in Friday traffic no less).
Since we flew into Baltimore, we got a chance to see my Aunt Barb, Uncle Jim and Grandma and Grandpa Fahey which was really great. We also had the opportunity to stay with my college roomie Carla and her family. Jonah had a lot of fun playing with Kaylee who is 15 months. He loved her tunnel toy and her dog - her dog is small and Jonah could really chase it around unlike his dogs at home.
Me and Jonah with Carla and Kaylee at my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Dave's house - visit #3 of our world wind tour!

Jonah really likes to play with other kids. Since he is home with me all day, this was a special treat.
Since my Dad can't take off work very often, part of the reason for this visit was to spend some time with Pop Pop. We are hoping he can come to Florida over Spring Break next year!
My best friend Vicky came down from VA for a visit and she had lots of presents for Jonah! He of course loved the wrapping paper.
Jonah got to experience his first snow!!! I was very excited about this, as a Florida baby, I know these moments won't be very often. He didn't really know what to think about it, but he wasn't crying so that's a start!

LOTS of shuffling around...but all worth it!!! Jonah has proved himself to be a great little traveler!

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