Thursday, August 5, 2010

all things new

Jonah is 5 months old this week - 5 MONTHS!!! I can really say this time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home and now he is almost sitting up by himself, rolls over all over the place, is showing the first signs of crawling, laughs, smiles, eats off a spoon, starting to drink out of a sippy cup, sits in the stroller like a big boy and plays with toys. WHAT?!?!

I know all Moms think their child is the smartest and cutest baby on the block, but Jonah really is. Seriously though, this kid is so smart and so strong. He can stand up, flat footed and hold his weight just by holding onto my fingers, he is almost crawling and he I mean look at his face - he is the cutest thing on the block right?

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