Thursday, December 30, 2010

a big year.

We've had an exciting, life-changing, sometimes scary, most definetly stressful 2010. Not only have we grown our grass roots business, but we had a very special baby that has changed our lives forever!

2010 has been one of the hardest years of my life, but I wouldn't change a thing - it's been amazing!

We started the year with lots of anticipation to meet our baby. At this point we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl!
We welcomed Jonah Alexander Welte at 12:29p.m. on March 3rd weighing in at 8lbs 8oz and 21 1/4 inches long!
Jonah has grown up so fast! He enjoyed a visit from his Nana Welte and his Great-Grandma Barlage at 5 weeks.
7 weeks old!
In May, we put together a very exciting event with pro surfer Dave Kalama. Brody has already done a 2nd Kalama Kamp in Turks and Caicos this past November. Both very sucessful events! We are planning four more in 2011 - Turks & Caicos, Key West, Southern California and Fuji - Not bad!!!
2010 also marked our first Gulf Coast Stand Up Championship. This event was a lot of work, but a HUGE success. We are already working on the 2011 race.
Jonah got his first taste of real food around 4 months - sweet potatoes!
In July, Jonah had his first plane trip to North Carolina to visit with his Mimi and Pop Pop. We had a great visit and Jonah got to go to Hatteras, NC!
Hatteras is one of my favorite places so it was so great to take him here, I hope to make it a yearly tradition!
Jonah got to meet his Great Grandma Walsh in July.
July also marked the first time he met his cousins, Lilly and Isabelle!
6 months old and we officially had our hands full! Jonah started to crawl around 5 months, but by 6 he was unstoppable!
Jonah was a pumpkin for Halloween!
We went to a huge Fall Festival about an hour South of us, Jonah didn't seem to care at all, but having kids allows you to relive your childhood, so Brody and I had a blast!
Thanksgiving really tired us out.
Jonah is such a big boy now, he is walking about 6 steps on his own before he falls :) I can't believe he is almost walking!!
Our Family!!
We went to VA a few weeks ago and Jonah got to meet all the Walsh cousins and visit with Mimi and Pop Pop.
Jonah's first snow!!

I was going to post Christmas pics, but we just did that so I'll spare you!

We are looking forward to an exciting 2011!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR from The Weltes!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Anniversary.

Tomorrow Brody and I have been married for FIVE years!

Happy Anniversary HBO (my name for Brody..Honey Bunches of Oats- long story) :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

very merry.

We had a very merry Christmas in Florida this year. Having babies makes these holidays so much more fun. I loved putting all of Jonah's presents under the tree last night. Putting together his rocking horse, laying out his train. This morning I was the first to wake up, which doesn't happen too often. I put my robe and slippers on, brewed a cup of coffee and got started on our traditional egg and sausage casserole that we have each year at Christmas.

Jonah happily tore through his gifts. He loved his rocking horse from Mimi and Pop Pop and he especially loved his talking Mickey Mouse.

After presents were opened we went on our first family bike ride. I love biking so I was really excited to try out our new bike trailer with Jonah. He did great, just relaxed drinking his milk and eating cheerios, he even fell asleep!

We had a great day and hopefully all of you reading had a very Merry Christmas!

The Tree with all of Jonah's presents!

Jonah on his new rocking horse

Handmade wooden train from Brody's parents. The guy who made this is 87!

I call this toy the "doctor's office toy" but he loved it! He kept trying to eat the beads...

Tearing it up!

Another rocking horse shot - he really loves it!

Family bike ride - so fun!!


Saturday, December 18, 2010


This has become my favorite picture of Jonah. I just love the wonder he has in his eyes as he looks up at snow for the first time.

Makes me believe in the magic of Christmas! Yes Florida, there is a Santa Claus! Speaking of that magic which happens in less than 7 days, I need to get back to baking cookies and wrapping presents :)

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2010


We had a wonderful visit with LOTS of family and friends last week. I was told by more than one person that I was in fact CRAZY for planning the itinerary I had with a 9 month old, but I was determined to see as many people as I could.
Jonah had a chance to meet lots of his cousins. I was really excited to see the Walsh Family and meet the two newest additions, James and Hunter. Walshes tend to produce girls, lots of girls, so the Baby Boom of 2010 gave us 3 very handsome healthy boys and it was great to get them all together. There was Carson and Elizabeth the big girl cousins with Jonah, James and Hunter!
We also had a chance to see my friend from JMU Vanessa! I know, we saw A LOT of people! She was kind enough to drive me from Baltimore to Northern Virginia (in Friday traffic no less).
Since we flew into Baltimore, we got a chance to see my Aunt Barb, Uncle Jim and Grandma and Grandpa Fahey which was really great. We also had the opportunity to stay with my college roomie Carla and her family. Jonah had a lot of fun playing with Kaylee who is 15 months. He loved her tunnel toy and her dog - her dog is small and Jonah could really chase it around unlike his dogs at home.
Me and Jonah with Carla and Kaylee at my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Dave's house - visit #3 of our world wind tour!

Jonah really likes to play with other kids. Since he is home with me all day, this was a special treat.
Since my Dad can't take off work very often, part of the reason for this visit was to spend some time with Pop Pop. We are hoping he can come to Florida over Spring Break next year!
My best friend Vicky came down from VA for a visit and she had lots of presents for Jonah! He of course loved the wrapping paper.
Jonah got to experience his first snow!!! I was very excited about this, as a Florida baby, I know these moments won't be very often. He didn't really know what to think about it, but he wasn't crying so that's a start!

LOTS of shuffling around...but all worth it!!! Jonah has proved himself to be a great little traveler!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Brody is out of town this week and I have found myself "prepping" for many upcoming events. Christmas is right around the corner, so we had presents to buy, presents to wrap and presents to ship. We had our first cold front of the year, so we got winter clothes out, turned on the heat and did our best to stay warm. We also are prepping for our trip to MD/VA/NC on Friday, so we are cleaning, laundering, and packing!

Jonah is ready I think....

He's got his Christmas jammies on.

He's got his winter hat for cold morning runs.

and for his trip up North.

He is dressed for Christmas in his velvet Santa pjs.

He's even peeked at some Christmas presents that arrived via UPS!!