Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pilgrim Paddle

Well we survived our first big event! We had our first Paddle Board race this weekend, our Pilgrim Paddle! I woke up to 50 degree weather and was a bit nervous that people weren't going to show up, but despite the windy conditions and below average temperatures, we had a great turn-out and a hugely successful event. We had about 34 paddlers compete and even got a small spot on several of the evening news stations!

You can read more about it/see more pics on our business blog -

Yay for us! :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

As promised, here is a 25 week snap shot! Getting bigger by the day!

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, we have lots to give thanks to this year!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gators, Doctors & WEIGHT GAIN!

Well Brody survived his paddle adventure in the Everglades. He came home tired with lots of bug bites, but said it was a lot of fun. They got to see lots of alligators on the drive, he said they were just on the side of the road hanging out. The article will come out in January and if I get a hold of any pics from their trip, I'll post them!

I went to the doctor's today for a check-up and everything looks good. I have to go back next week for a my glucose test where they test for gestational diabetes. I heard the test isn't that fun as you have to drink some sort of really sweet drink then have blood drawn, so I'll be happy when it's over! Everything looks good with the baby, although I was shocked to find out that I have gained 9lbs since my last visit. Yep, that's 9lbs in 4 weeks. YIKES! I have gained a total of 20lbs total so far and I am hoping that I will go back to just 1 lb a week instead of my last month's 2!!! I'll post a picture of my growing belly, I just didn't have time to take one today!

Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving! We have our race this weekend so I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend Paddling...

Brody logged lots of paddle miles this weekend as he was asked to lead the swim portion of the Ironman World Championship 70.3 on Saturday morning. Race organizers said more than 10,000 people turned out to watch the series season-ending event, which drew more than 1,500 competitors from 57 countries!! He had a blast and said it was crazy!

After that, we hosted a paddle and beach clean-up. It was a free event for volunteers who paddled to Spa Beach in downtown St. Pete for a trash clean-up. It was about a 3 mile roundtrip trek and everyone had a great time!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brody on the Radio!

Brody was on the radio talking about our race coming up.....just fast forward to about 10:30 and you can hear him!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

23 Weeks!

Well I am officially 23 weeks today! Hard to believe but Baby Welte will be here in just about 4 months to the day. Brody and I went furniture shopping last night as our current rental is furnished and our new one is not! I am actually excited to finally get our own stuff. We sold all our furniture when we left Hawaii so it's long overdue. It's amazing though how much stuff we actually need - I mean I don't even have pots and pans. So if you want to throw in a blender with any baby gifts, feel free...jk!

My friend Jen is coming in from San Diego next week. Her best friend lives in Jacksonville and she spends Thanksgiving with them, but she misses me so much that she is going to rent a car and drive here for a few days! I am really excited to see her! Brody will be going out of town on a paddle trip that weekend. He is taking the outdoor writer for the Saint Petersburg Times and they are doing a sort of adventure trip somewhere in the everglades. Hopefully they won't get eaten by any alligators!!!! The outdoor writer, Terry is going to do an article on the trip, so hopefully that will generate some buzz and get us some customers.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Moving and Kicking

I have caved and joined the blogging world. I'll try to update this to the best of my ability with all the exciting happenings in our crazy life down here in FL. We recently opened our retail store in Madeira Beach which is where I spend most of my time (at least until baby welte arrives!) It's been slow lately with the down season, but we are hopeful things will pick up soon!

We are moving to a new house in December. I am so excited to get settled! It's a lovely house and we were so thankful to have found it. And we aren't the only one moving - baby welte has definetly made it clear he or she is there! I have been feeling lots of kicking and moving around, especially in the mornings and evenings.
I am 23 weeks this week and am feeling pretty good. Here is a picture I have from when I was 21 weeks so you can all see my growing belly!