Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sorry we have been a bit MIA with the blog posts lately.  I upload from my iPhone usually and need Brody's computer as I don't have a MAC.  Anyway, he has been out of town so no computer no post.

We haven't really been up to much lately, just trying to keep Jonah entertained.  He is so busy, I find myself struggling to keep up.  His vocabulary has grown so much.  He talks all day.  Here are his favorites...

"Mom, what are you doing?"
"Mom, stop it!!"
"Mom, look!!"
"Mom, where are you?

He gets frustrated really quickly too.  If he can't do something himself or something doesn't go his way, he  has a meltdown.  I am not sure if he is just on a major quest for independence or just struggling through being a toddler - it's a hard life you know!

His favorite activities involve anything that has to do with being outside.  He loves going to the beach and the playground.  I dread rainy days cause I can see the boredom on his face.

He is starting to regress at bedtime unfortunately and it takes every ounce of energy I have left to get him to go to bed!  It seems he gets his second wind around 7pm and is ready to run a marathon, not wind down for bed time.  Tantrums ensue as soon as I say "time for bed".  You'd think that would mean he would sleep for a long time seeing as he isn't getting to bed now until about 8:30 or so....but no, come 5:30a.m. he is up and ready to find new ways to torment me ;).  I really shouldn't say me, his real victims are the dogs.  Poor Charlie and Dakine get picked on all day by Jonah.  He's either pulling their tails, trying to ride them like a horse or stealing their toys.  I guess he is getting back at them for chewing up some of his baby toys in the past.

Ok enough talk!  Here are a few pictures of the monster himself ;)

We like to only take naps now in the car, which means Mom never gets to nap!

Play date at the beach!

What happens when Jonah is bored.....sticker attack on Mommy...

On himself.....

On the dogs....

Trying to teach him young, it's important to clean your own bathroom!

Daddy's home!  Jonah missed Brody a lot when he was gone.  He leaves again tomorrow for another trip, so I will have to deal with "Where's Daddy" for another week :(  

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