Friday, September 2, 2011

a day in the life of Jonah.

I realize it has been a while since I did a good post.  I thought that giving you a look into the everyday of my little man would make up for my, well, laziness.

And as Jonah turns 18 months tomorrow (gasp), he is bursting with energy and quite a handful.

We wake up around 7a.m. each morning and demand our mulk mulk.  Mulk is given and Mickey is turned on while Mommy enjoys a cup of coffee and the Today Show when he's not looking :)

After our morning cartoons, we pack up the stroller with juice and a toy and hit the road to take the dogs (and mommy) for a walk.

Ipod in hand.

After our walk, it's time for breakfast.  Or at least we attempt to eat breakfast.  Jonah attempts to eat all his meals, he just doesn't eat very much!

Daddy is up!!

After our walk and breakfast, it's time for Jonah to destroy the house, which he does in about 3 minutes.  Talking the shoes out of the basket by the door is our new favorite pasttime...

Seriously my house is a disaster at all times....

In my attempts to advert household chaos, we hit the backyard to get dirty!  And dirty we get - in about 3 minutes!  Jonah changes clothes probably 4 times a day.

After the backyard, we somehow end up in the front yard with the dogs loose, no shoes and no pants!!!

It's HOT out so we come in after a while to enjoy some quiet play with our blocks...

It's lunch!!!  Although Jonah didn't eat much of it to my disapointment.  Every day I set a plate in front of him I pray it will be the day he eats!!  No such luck yet.

When we woke up from our nap, we hit the playground!

Jonah is getting a lot braver on the equipment.  He even goes down the slide alone!

I had to wrestle him to keep him from trying to jump in the water!

Ok so Jonah's new obsession is cars.  He loves the Car Movie, his matchbox cars and now my car!  He begs "car car car" and wants to sit in the driver seat and pretend drive.  So after about 15 minutes at the park, he cried, "car car car" and we ended up in the parking lot for awhile while Jonah "drove".

Yogurt stop (happens frequently).

After the park, it was time to work so, we headed home to help Daddy load and clean off Boards for our Demo Sale tomorrow.

Phew, glad work is done!  I usually put on "Signing Time" while Jonah enjoys some milk and I cook dinner!

*I didn't get any pictures of dinner because Jonah wouldn't eat - shocker!

Ahhh, Bath time!!  Jonah's favorite thing.  He splashes and splashes - I have to literally pry him away from the tub every night.

After bath time, it's more play time. Play, play play...this kid has the life!

We do our animals everyday.  Jonah can do a lot of animal sounds, he's getting pretty good!

Popcorn and Jeopardy - a Welte Family tradition.

Finally bed!  Jonah is tired....but I think Mommy is more tired.


  1. this is cute. I can't believe how big he is....and how much he looks like Brody, especially that first picture!

  2. Way too old for that bottle crap. ⬅ For raising boys especially in America. #i2 (intact, too)

  3. Way too old for that bottle crap. ⬅ For raising boys especially in America. #i2 (intact, too)
