Friday, October 8, 2010

dirty to clean.

Jonah is a messy boy. He likes dirt. He actually hussles across the floor when he sees me with the broom and dust pan. I am never fast enough. Before I can scoop up my pile, he's in it, smearing his hands around on the floor like he is painting.

Meal times are worse. He gets food everywhere. Behind his ears, in his hair, up his nose. There is food all over the high chair, tucked into cracks I'll never be able to get cleaned.

But as messy as he gets, I know a bath is a quick fix. A fix he loves. He eagerly gets into the tub. Loves to splash. And now, loves laundry, well the laundry basket. All good things since we have to change Jonah about 3 times a day.

So I let my little man get dirty. I figure he's a boy, right? Boys are supposed to get dirty. He plays all day and I let him crawl on the ground outside, pet the dogs, smash his food everywhere....because I know dirty to clean is a simple equation. One I can handle if it means my boy is happy, so bring on the mess!!

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