Friday, September 24, 2010

Seriously Jonah?

Last night after I put Jonah to bed and he fussed his usual "I am not going to bed mom" tantrum, I noticed that his cry seemed closer, louder. I went in to check it out and sure enough, my little baby, at the ripe age of 6 months is STANDING in his crib...STANDING! I am cool with him crawling at 6 months, talking, holding his sippy cup, trying to pull himself up on the couch, but I am a little upset that this baby of mine is trying to leap his way into being a toddler. The kid will be walking by Christmas at this rate!

Another new favorite of Jonah's is Charlie. He LOVES Charlie. If Charlie goes in the kitchen, Jonah follows. If Charlie is on the couch, Jonah is right there. The funny thing about this is Charlie could care less. Dakine is the one that loves Jonah. If Jonah goes in the kitchen, Dakine follows. But no, Jonah doesn't want Dakine, he wants Charlie. And I love love love the shriek of a laugh he gets when Charlie is around. (Poor Charlie who just misses chasing chickens on Kauai. Now he has an annoying doggie brother, human brother, and no chickens.)

And finally, Jonah's next activity of choice - long sticks. Well maybe not sticks, but anything with a long pole. Paddles are a favorite. Brooms are better. He will sit on the floor for a good 20 minutes picking up the "pole" and slamming it on the floor. Oh thank heaven for baby boys I guess...

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