Saturday, April 3, 2010

Here comes Peter Cottontail.......

Hippity Hoppity, Easter is here!

We have a full house this year as Brody's parents are visiting from Michigan. Spring Break is also here and we've been getting some more business which is very welcomed from our slow and chilly winter.

Jonah is doing great. He is sleeping better, but we still struggle with getting him to stay in his bed and not ours! He just LOVES to cuddle with his mom and the second he wakes up and realizes I am not right beside him, he has a meltdown.

We had some friends over on Saturday to meet Jonah and watch the Michigan State game and then today we went to a BBQ with one of Brody's highschool friends who is here visiting his family.

Jonah has his one month doctor's appointment tomorrow and I am excited to see how much he has grown! As you can tell from the pictures, he's a big boy!

Jonah and I before church on Easter morning. We had to leave after about 5 minutes into the service because of a Jonah meltdown!

He loves his stroller. When he cries sometimes now I put him in the stroller and walk him around our dining room. He loves it, I on the other hand get a bit dizzy....

He doesn't really cry during his baths, but he definetly looks afraid....this was Easter morning, getting cleaned up for church!

Our friends Bonnie and Nick

Our friend Jessica

Jonah sporting his MSU spartan socks - too bad they didn't help the team win :(

Jonah and mommy!

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