Friday, April 30, 2010

old friends.

Jonah and I had a very fun couple of days. My best friend Vicky came to visit and we packed a lot of activities in just two days.

Here is a snapshot of the week, and some very cute Jonah pics...who is now 2 months old!

Tummy time is getting easier. I think we aren't far from rolling over!

Weighing in at 13lbs!

Jonah and Auntie Vicky

Trying to get him used to wearing hats...preparing for his first FL summer!

Charlie and Dakine will miss Vicky the most I think....

Took Vicky paddling and she saw her first wild Manatee - much better than Seaworld

She was a pro! - if you don't count her one fall:)

ALLIGATORS! We went on a hunt and found them, finally! This is my first alligator sighting in FL...I am not counting the aquarium....

We had so much fun and already miss Vicky! Now Grammy is set to come back in 2 weeks -and I have to say I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

aha moment.

I had an aha moment today. Jonah is a cat napper. He gets in about 20 minute naps here and there throughout the day, not very condusive to getting things done for mommy. Well the past 2 days once he falls asleep I put him in our bed (I know I am starting bad habits) but HE SLEEPS - we are going on 2 1/2 hours right now and counting!!!! Mom is actually getting stuff done. So lecture me if you have to, but I vacuumed the house, put away the dishes, got some emails out for the business, watched General Hospital (whoo hooo) and of course was able to blog :) I thought I was the reason Jonah liked to sleep in our bed, but now I am thinking it's the memory foam mattress, do you think they have memory foams for cribs? Seriously, I am googling it now...

Another exciting tidbit I found out about baby Jonah....he loves WARM BOTTLES! I haven't ever warmed his bottles, because then he'll always expect it and when you are out and about, it's hard to do. So I may let him sleep in my bed, but I haven't caved and warmed his bottles - until now. I am just doing it at night, but it seems that a nice warm bottle is just what this baby needs to drift off to dreamland....and that is another reason mommy is happy this week.

more babies.

as most of you know 2010 is the year of babies for the Fahey/Walsh family. My cousin Courtney gave birth December 30th to baby James, then Jonah came along in March and I am happy to report that my cousin Tracy gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Hunter today! Hunter was a small baby - just over 10lbs!!!!!! I guess big boys run in our blood :) CONGRATS TRACY!!!

Now we a few more weeks til baby Isabelle Agnew comes in June. BABY BOOM 2010!

Tracy with Elizabeth, just about 3 years ago! Now she's a big sister :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

weekend fun.

Jonah and I had the weekend to ourselves as Brody was out of town, here's a little of what we were up to..

out and about...

I went to the mainsails art festival on Saturday with my friend Stephanie, listened to music, ate yummy food and even had a glass of wine!

stephanie has really been helping me out a lot, Jonah adores her too.

After the festival, we went and got some sushi. It was a beautiful night and it was so nice to sit outside and enjoy myself! Thank you Stephanie!!!

Jonah also got to meet our friend Tracy. He wasn't happy in this photo, haha, but I promise he liked her :)

around the house....

I tried to catch a smile with the camera, this is the best I got..

hard to believe Jonah is already 6 weeks old

This is cody. Grammy sent it to Jonah, I think he'll like it more when he's a bit bigger.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

good morning.

My day started with tummy time. Jonah is getting really good at holding his head up. Check out my stud....

We were able to sneak out of the house for a nice walk around the lake. Peaceful. Beautiful. Much needed.

I love to stop and look at the Banyan trees around the lake, reminds me of Kauai.

These are the not so nice geese that literally chased me today. Luckily a police officer was driving by and shushed them away!

Monday, April 12, 2010

baby massage.

A couple of weeks ago I took an infant massage class with Jonah. After bath time, we like to get out our blanket, put on some mozart and have some Mommy and Jonah time. Sometimes we like it and sometimes we scream, tonight we liked it...

florida fishes.

We took Jonah to the Florida Aquarium today before we took the Welte's to the airport. Saw lots of cool fish and my first florida alligator believe it or not! Jonah slept the entire time, so his trip was uneventful, but we plan on taking him back when he's older.

Brody with the spoon-billed bird (forgot the real name)

They had hundreds of species of fish - really cool.

My first florida alligator sighting!! Never thought it'd be in an aquarium....

Seahorse - dragon I think it's called?? As you can see I just looked at the exhibits, didn't do much reading...

Brody scared of the moon jelly fish


We've had a full house with Brody's parents here for two weeks and then yesterday his Aunt and Grandma stopped by on their way to Cocoa Beach. They leave today and things will for sure be a lot quieter in the Welte house.

Jonah with his Nana and Granny!

He is starting to smile now which is so much fun!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Daddy & Jonah time

started with kisses...

ended in tears...

I look like my dad, but I still have some Fahey in me....

Check out my open-mouth sleeping baby.....definetly a Fahey trait, just ask his Aunt Jody :)

It's officially beach season and the Welte's are in the sand and crusing the water. I actually paddled for the first time since I got pregnant! Here is Jonah's first family shot at the beach....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

one big boy

Jonah had his one month appointment yesterday and he weighed in at a handsome 11lbs 3oz...yep this is him in his outfit labeled 6 MONTHS. I think we may be raising a future NFL player...

Jonah with Brody's dad in their "muscle" shirts as I like to call them.

Tummy time can be a challenge, but we are working on it!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Here comes Peter Cottontail.......

Hippity Hoppity, Easter is here!

We have a full house this year as Brody's parents are visiting from Michigan. Spring Break is also here and we've been getting some more business which is very welcomed from our slow and chilly winter.

Jonah is doing great. He is sleeping better, but we still struggle with getting him to stay in his bed and not ours! He just LOVES to cuddle with his mom and the second he wakes up and realizes I am not right beside him, he has a meltdown.

We had some friends over on Saturday to meet Jonah and watch the Michigan State game and then today we went to a BBQ with one of Brody's highschool friends who is here visiting his family.

Jonah has his one month doctor's appointment tomorrow and I am excited to see how much he has grown! As you can tell from the pictures, he's a big boy!

Jonah and I before church on Easter morning. We had to leave after about 5 minutes into the service because of a Jonah meltdown!

He loves his stroller. When he cries sometimes now I put him in the stroller and walk him around our dining room. He loves it, I on the other hand get a bit dizzy....

He doesn't really cry during his baths, but he definetly looks afraid....this was Easter morning, getting cleaned up for church!

Our friends Bonnie and Nick

Our friend Jessica

Jonah sporting his MSU spartan socks - too bad they didn't help the team win :(

Jonah and mommy!