Saturday, March 13, 2010

To Bottle feed or not to bottle feed.....

Well we've had a somewhat stressful week here at la casa Welte. Jonah is still not taking to breast feeding. I have met with lactation consultant on numerous occasions and although he seems to do OK when we are there, the second we get home he rebels and screams bloody murder when it's time to try. I know that in time, I am sure it will click and he will magically "get it" and be a breast feeding champ. Whether or not Mommy can hang in there until that day comes is the big question. With my mom leaving and Brody working 24/7, I just don't know if I can emotionally/physically get there. Feeding time has become a dreaded activity for me with lots of tears (both his and mine). I want to enjoy all my time with Jonah and right now I am not, as I get so stressed out about feeding him and I know he can sense that too. We will most likely keep pumping to give him the good stuff, but move toward formula as anyone who has been an exclusive pumper knows - it can't last long!

Anyway, on a happy note - Jonah is a GREAT baby otherwise. He is very seldom fussy and seems to be content most of the time. He has his nights and days mixed up still as he is pretty much asleep most the day and WIDE awake around 2a.m.!!

Here are some more pictures I have taken lately. We have discovered however that Jonah isn't always the most photogenic baby - he makes lots of weird faces and has his crazy wide eyes in lots of pictures so he can look kinda funny. He also has some not so cute baby acne that has popped up over the last few days - but you can't help but squeeze him to death cause he's just so darn cute and cuddly!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're having a hard time Jessie! Hang in there. He is so darn cute. He looks just like Brody, it's funny. I love the little lobster outfit. Can't wait to meet him!
