Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am feeling very much pregnant. Back aches, heartburn, CONSTANT trips to the bathroom, and a lot of other not so fun pregnancy symptoms seem to plague me these days..

I am 32 weeks and find it hard to believe I have another 8 to go! I know that they will FLY by and pretty soon all this will seem like a distant memory, but for today -I feel like I have been pregnant for 10 years!

Baby Welte is still very active and lets me know of his/her strength with the elbows and knee bumps I experience daily. Hiccups are also a cool (and sometimes annoying) new habit of Baby W. Especially when he/she gets them at 2a.m.!!!

We are trying to stay warm, as I am sure most of you have heard of the extreme cold front that has been settling over FL these past few weeks. It is in the 40s and 20s at night! That is unheard of for this area and we are READY for our seasonal temps of the lows 70s. It is supposed to warm up soon, so fingers crossed!

I'll post a belly picture soon!

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