Wednesday, January 20, 2010

33 Weeks

Had a doctor's appointment today and everything is going well! My blood pressure was a little high, so I need to monitor that, but everything else was fine! I go back in two weeks and then I go on a WEEKLY basis. OK so now I am starting to really believe that I am having a baby soon. Today actually I was sitting on the couch and I kid you not, the baby's head, butt, arm (some body part) pushed so far out of my inches out. It totally freaked me out! I guess he/she is lacking some space in there :)

Here is a 33 week photo. It's not the best as my photographer husband was too lazy to get of the recliner to take it and I am not even looking at the camera, but the battery died right after so this is it....

Brody and Dakine sleeping in the recliner....

On a business note - we were featured in an online newsletter in the Tampa Bay area called "83 Degrees". Check out the link here,, you can read the article and then there is a slideshow - make sure your volume is turned up cause Brody is narrating!!

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