Wednesday, January 27, 2010

34 weeks....and COUNTING!

34 weeks today! Although I feel more like I am 44 weeks. I am starting to not only feel pregnant but not enjoy being pregnant!! I am having a hard time at night sleeping - I guess I'll just be good to go when the baby comes because I am up about every 2 hours to go to the bathroom, or to turn over (very slowly), or to move one of my dumb 60lb dogs off me!!!

I know I have 6 more weeks to go, but I honestly don't think it is going to be that long. I have always thought I was a week or two further along than what was first recorded and add in the fact that at 29 weeks, the baby was measuring at 31 - I am thinking that Baby Welte won't make it til March. As long as it is healthy and everything is OK - then I wouldn't mind that either!!!

I go back to the doctor on February 1st and then the weekly appointments start so I guess I'll know more about what's to come after those appointments. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

33 Weeks

Had a doctor's appointment today and everything is going well! My blood pressure was a little high, so I need to monitor that, but everything else was fine! I go back in two weeks and then I go on a WEEKLY basis. OK so now I am starting to really believe that I am having a baby soon. Today actually I was sitting on the couch and I kid you not, the baby's head, butt, arm (some body part) pushed so far out of my inches out. It totally freaked me out! I guess he/she is lacking some space in there :)

Here is a 33 week photo. It's not the best as my photographer husband was too lazy to get of the recliner to take it and I am not even looking at the camera, but the battery died right after so this is it....

Brody and Dakine sleeping in the recliner....

On a business note - we were featured in an online newsletter in the Tampa Bay area called "83 Degrees". Check out the link here,, you can read the article and then there is a slideshow - make sure your volume is turned up cause Brody is narrating!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am feeling very much pregnant. Back aches, heartburn, CONSTANT trips to the bathroom, and a lot of other not so fun pregnancy symptoms seem to plague me these days..

I am 32 weeks and find it hard to believe I have another 8 to go! I know that they will FLY by and pretty soon all this will seem like a distant memory, but for today -I feel like I have been pregnant for 10 years!

Baby Welte is still very active and lets me know of his/her strength with the elbows and knee bumps I experience daily. Hiccups are also a cool (and sometimes annoying) new habit of Baby W. Especially when he/she gets them at 2a.m.!!!

We are trying to stay warm, as I am sure most of you have heard of the extreme cold front that has been settling over FL these past few weeks. It is in the 40s and 20s at night! That is unheard of for this area and we are READY for our seasonal temps of the lows 70s. It is supposed to warm up soon, so fingers crossed!

I'll post a belly picture soon!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

31 Weeks

Well I am officially 31 weeks today! Crazy that I am already in the 30s...Baby Welte will be here before we know it! He or she (I hate saying that BTW) is moving around quite a bit and likes to kick me, elbow me, head butt me....whatever they can to let me know I know they are in there!

Here are two different 31 week pics of me! Belly is definetly GROWING!

We took Charlie and Dakine to this new dog park that opened in Clearwater. It's a bit of a drive from our house, but worth it once the dogs get in! It has an agility course and trail system where the dogs can go off leash and the owners can get some exercise too! They have no idea how much their life is going to change soon - I actually feel pretty bad for them! Vizslas are known to be great with kids and amazing family dogs, so we are hopeful the transition will go smoothly, but I have to admit I am a bit nervous about it. If you have met my dogs you'll understand why - they are C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!

Charlie is too fat to jump over the hurdle :( And Dakine could care less, Brody tried to bribe them with a ball, but they weren't fooled!


Charlie LOVES going through the tunnel....he actually looks proud when he comes out.

He is pretty good at going over these boards too

The trail where you can walk around off leash - great for our hunting dogs who love to sniff around!

Dakine pointing at some ponies that live right next to the dog park.

Business has slowed A LOT! Well to be fair is has been a balmy 45 degress in FL these past few weeks. 45 degrees to Floridians is like -0 to everyone else - not the best conditions for paddling. We are just trying to bunker down and hold out til the Spring where we will hopefully we will be booming (fingers crossed). My crazy husband is headed for Wilmington, NC tomorrow for a Paddle Board Race. It's called the "Cold Stroke Paddle" and cold it will be. I think they may actually be calling for snow. Hopefully he doesn't fall in!!! I have come to learn that waterman are just a crazy bunch. They'll do anything for the sport they love, like Brody who will paddle in the middle of the Atlantic in 30 degree weather 12 hours from his home.