Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas, Nursery and BIG babies!!!

I had a great Christmas with my Mom and Dad who arrived last Tuesday after a long drive from Ahoskie, NC. They made it in one day and were troopers! It was great having my mom cook all the meals :) My favorite part of the Holidays!!

Charlie and Dakine eyeing our Christmas turkey!!

My mom's one goal when she was here was to get our nursery done....which we pretty much did! It was a lot of fun decorating and finally getting everything orgainzed. I feel more prepared now and am anxiously awaiting Baby Welte's arrival.

It's hard to make "neutral" stuff not look boyish, but hopefully it will work if we have a girl!!

Charlie LOVED the mobile when I was putting it together, all they wanted to do was eat the stuffed animals....I am going to have my hands full trying to get them to not chew on baby toys!

I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday where I got to see the baby for the first time since I was 17 weeks - it was amazing how much he/she has grown! The doctor said the baby was probably 3lbs 7ozs which is about 1 1/2 ahead of my "29" week status, so looks like Baby Welte is going to be BIG! Everything else looked great and I don't go back for another 4 weeks. Mom and Dad were in the room w/ us which was a really cool experience for them too. Mom was straining to find out the sex of the baby - but no luck!!! I still have no clue, I used to think girl, now I am leaning more toward boy. I know Brody wants a boy -- he bought the baby some gifts for Christmas that were clearly for a boy!!

Baby Welte at 29 weeks

Cute little face!

We have Brody's cousin Burton and his wife dropping in today so we are excited to see them for a visit. Mom and Dad left this morning for their trek back to NC. They were planning on stopping this time and enjoying the drive, checking out some beaches on the East Coast of FL. My mom will be back in the beginning of March for a few weeks to help us out with the baby!

Hope everyone had a MERRY Christmas & HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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