Saturday, December 5, 2009

Boxes & Evergreens!

Well we finally moved into our new place last week. The move was somewhat smooth, had a few issues w/ some pesky fleas in the yard. Not sure if any of you have experienced fleas but it's NOT FUN! Charlie & Dakine are both on flea meds, but they were no match for the army that lived in our new rental, so we had to have the house sprayed and are still finding some stragglers. It put a damper on the move, but we are settled in nonetheless. The house is right by a lake and dog park, so our doggies have enjoyed their morning walks. We even saw an otter in the lake the other day - pretty amazing!

Charlie has taken over the recliner!

Our newest addition, Dakine

Seriously he sits in that chair under a blanket all day!!!!

Our Christmas tree! It's a beautiful tree, mind you it's leaning (thanks Brody) w/ only like 10 ornaments on it, haha

Picture of our new living room!

Business has been very slow as the weather in FL has definetly turned to winter. With low temps and breezy conditions, Stand Up Paddling isn't exactly on everyone's "to-do" list. We are hoping that Board Sales will increase as Christmas approaches - anyone want to buy a board? haha. I am trying to hang in there and just bunker down til the season turns - I pray everyday for a more optimistic attitude but 26 years of being a glass is half empty girl is hard to break!

I am on my last week of my second trimester believe it or not. Starting next week I will be in my third!!!! YIKES - that means a baby is soon to come! Good thing I have a shower coming up because I have no baby items! I am hoping Jody is having a boy and I am having a girl so she can send me all of Lilly's things, :) I leave on Thursday for Baltimore for my Baby Shower. I am so excited to see everyone!!! Hopefully the weather won't be bad and everyone has safe travels!

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