Monday, January 9, 2012


We were very lucky to get to visit with my Aunt Barb and Uncle Jim who were in CA for my cousin Marc's basketball team last month.  Marc was busy with practice so we didn't get to see him, but had a great time with Barb and Jim.

They were staying up in LA so we drove and met them halfway in Huntington Beach.  We had a great walk on the pier and very nice lunch.  Jonah was beyond good.  I almost didn't believe it.  He usually does not like strangers (which Barb and Jim unfortunately are to him having only met them once when he was 10 months).  I was preparing myself for a meltdown.  He usually screams and tries to hit people if they get too close to him when he doesn't want them too, so I was all prepared to apologize for his behavior.  I was ready for time-out.  To my HUGE surprise, he didn't seem phased at all.  In fact, he even let Uncle Jim pick him up.  Yes, you heard me right, PICK HIM UP.  It gets even better.  We went to lunch and again, I was expecting Jonah to want to get down from the table and run around, not listen and be his usual toddler self.  To my HUGE surprise again, he sat at the table, colored, looked out the window, and even ate his lunch!!!

Maybe it was something in the air, or I guess he really just liked the DeBoys, but it was a very pleasant day and I was so happy they got to enjoy the side of Jonah that most don't get to see.  I loved hearing from Barb "oh he's so sweet and so good."  I haven't heard that much.  Mostly when we are out I  hear, "fun age isn't it?"

Here are some pictures of the "magical" encounter (maybe overkill on the magic title, but it was pure magic to this tired mom).

Jonah and Uncle Jim, Huntington Beach Pier

If you hold hands with him, you have to do the "one, two, three - wheeee".

This would have been a really cute picture if Jonah's finger wasn't up his nose....

Uncle Jim trying to be artistic with the Pelican on Jonah's head..

Actually sitting in a chair and not screaming.  Progress :), maybe there is hope yet.

Thanks for a great visit DeBoy Family!

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