Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hike - take two.

We loaded up the family this past weekend and hit another favorite trail.  San Elijo Lagoon, about 5 minutes from our house winds through some marsh lands to the ocean.  It was a bit hilly at times and a challenge to push the stroller up the hills....well for Brody as I made him do it, but a nice little hike!

View toward East San Diego

View of the Pacific

San Elijo Lagoon

My hiking buddies...I was smart enough to bring the stroller this time.

My best hiking buddy.

My coolest hiking buddy.

My worse hiking buddy, note the muddy paws....someone couldn't stay out of the lagoon.

Good thing Brody was with us....not fun pushing the stroller up the hills!

Happy Trails for real this time :)

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