Saturday, February 19, 2011

ready. set. go!!

We put on our 3rd race in our Winter Races Series this weekend.  Couldn't have asked for better weather, or a better baby!  The outdoors agrees with my son.  He did so well at the race!  Thank goodness for good help, as I was chasing Jonah around all day and didn't really help much with the race, but it went off without a hitch and everyone had a really great time!  We have our final race in the series next month and then we get ready for our BIG race coming up in May.  I am tired just thinking about it....

Here are some cute pictures of Jonah running around like a crazy person and a few of the race!

Jonah loved these race buoys

Jonah and Jeff, the owner of YOLO Board (the boards we carry!)

We had about 60 racers, not bad for a small regional race!

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