Monday, February 28, 2011


I have been thinking a lot lately about purpose.  Do we have one?  How do we find ours?  I have always believed that God has given us one, that each person is put on this earth to serve in one way or another.  I am not a doctor, I won't ever find the cure for cancer or heal the sick.  I am not a teacher and will never influence a classroom of young minds.  I am not a solider and will never know what's like to fight for freedom.  I don't really have a profession at all, no career, no daily impact on the world.  I am however a mom, and I think in that, I have found my purpose.

This past year has been one of the hardest and most fufilling jobs I have ever had.  You can read all the books you can fill your head with about how to care for a baby.  How to properly feed.  When to switch to solid foods.  What brands of car seats and stollers to buy.  You can prepare for a baby quite easily.  You can fill your house with swings and jumpers, diapers and bottles.  You can almost convince yourself you have it covered.  And then comes baby!

For me, the shock wasn't the night feedings or number of diapers you change.  It was the overwhelming, all consuming, unconditional love you have toward your child.  Nothing can prepare you for that.  If you are ever looking for a way to get closer to God - then have a baby!  You can begin to understand his love for us as you look at your child.  I am so blessed that God chose me to be a mom, that his purpose for me was to raise my little boy into what I hope to be a God fearing man who is kind, compassionate, strong and giving. 

Jonah may grow up to be a doctor, teacher or solider, I know God has a purpose for him.  I am just so thankful that I was chosen to be his mom tohelp him find it.

On Thursday, he turns a year old.  It's been the best year of my life and I am so looking forward to what's ahead for us!

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