Sunday, April 18, 2010

weekend fun.

Jonah and I had the weekend to ourselves as Brody was out of town, here's a little of what we were up to..

out and about...

I went to the mainsails art festival on Saturday with my friend Stephanie, listened to music, ate yummy food and even had a glass of wine!

stephanie has really been helping me out a lot, Jonah adores her too.

After the festival, we went and got some sushi. It was a beautiful night and it was so nice to sit outside and enjoy myself! Thank you Stephanie!!!

Jonah also got to meet our friend Tracy. He wasn't happy in this photo, haha, but I promise he liked her :)

around the house....

I tried to catch a smile with the camera, this is the best I got..

hard to believe Jonah is already 6 weeks old

This is cody. Grammy sent it to Jonah, I think he'll like it more when he's a bit bigger.

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