Monday, April 19, 2010

aha moment.

I had an aha moment today. Jonah is a cat napper. He gets in about 20 minute naps here and there throughout the day, not very condusive to getting things done for mommy. Well the past 2 days once he falls asleep I put him in our bed (I know I am starting bad habits) but HE SLEEPS - we are going on 2 1/2 hours right now and counting!!!! Mom is actually getting stuff done. So lecture me if you have to, but I vacuumed the house, put away the dishes, got some emails out for the business, watched General Hospital (whoo hooo) and of course was able to blog :) I thought I was the reason Jonah liked to sleep in our bed, but now I am thinking it's the memory foam mattress, do you think they have memory foams for cribs? Seriously, I am googling it now...

Another exciting tidbit I found out about baby Jonah....he loves WARM BOTTLES! I haven't ever warmed his bottles, because then he'll always expect it and when you are out and about, it's hard to do. So I may let him sleep in my bed, but I haven't caved and warmed his bottles - until now. I am just doing it at night, but it seems that a nice warm bottle is just what this baby needs to drift off to dreamland....and that is another reason mommy is happy this week.

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