Sunday, March 2, 2014

catch up

I thought today - yikes I haven't updated the blog in a while. (sorry Grandma)
A month to be exact.
So here is a catch-up of sorts.
Not too much has changed. 
We continue with our weekly routines of preschool, swim-lessons, scootering, naps, tantrums, repeat?
Jonah's 4th birthday is tomorrow!  Yikes, hope I don't cry.
We had his party yesterday - super hero themed, pics below.
The party was originally going to be at the park, but it was a rainy day so we opted to have it at our house.  It was a bit tight with all the crazied 4 year olds running around our tiny house, but I think everyone (especially Jonah) had a great time!

Jonah likes to fold laundry!  Score for mom!  He will only fold the boy clothes, but if all I have to do is fold my own, then hey I can handle that!

My sweet Ash.  Still sweet, but is now 100% boy and 100% CRAZY.  You have to watch him like a hawk because 99% of the time he is doing something he shouldn't be.

Country days at school.  Jonah loves preschool.  He continues to do really well in a school setting.

That's my boy, writing his own name on all his valentines.  Go Jonah!
Ok so a small photo dump.  I guess I haven't been the best at pics lately.  I will try to be better!  This blog is supposed to be for family and friends near and far, but I know when Jonah drives off after he gets his license or Asher starts middle school, I will be crying like a baby reading these old posts and for that I must be better.  More updates, more pictures, more memories!

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