Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's a new year.

Wow, I can't believe it.  Another year has passed.  Another year.
May marks ten years since I graduated from college.  TEN years.  TEN!!!
I am getting old.
Next week I turn 31. 
I know to most, that's very young.  But 31 is officially into my thirties.  MY THIRTIES!
I guess I am having a moment where I want to be 15 again and just studying for my next algebra test instead of paying bills, figuring out health insurance and being a responsible adult.
In the words of Geoffry the Toys RUs giraffe - I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP!
Oh well, it  happened, I am a grown up.  Luckily for 3 days I got to feel like a kid again.  We went to Disneyland and spend 3 amazing days with family.  Jonah and Asher had an absolute blast with their cousins.  They played so well together.  It was so fun to see them happily playing and I know it was such a special treat for my mom to have all of her grandchildren together.
While Disneyland with 5 kids under the age of 5 may seem crazy to most, and at times it was, it was definetly worth feeling bone tired at the end of the day to make such fun memories with everyone.
Napkins make the best capes.  Eating out was a challenge with all the kids (mainly Asher and Jack), but we made it out alive with no broken dishes.

Mimi with all her grand babies!

Captain Hook wasn't as popular as the princess so the line to see him was zero!

Breakfast with the Disney characters was a real treat.  The food was awesome and the one and one attention with pluto was priceless!

Goofy's kitchen

Cars Land was Jonah's favorite!  Lightening McQueen still holds his heart.

Loved seeing mom and the Agnews!

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