Sunday, October 13, 2013

Apple Bliss.

Julian, California Apple Picking
Calico Ranch Orchard
We chose apples over pumpkins this weekend and made the hour long winding car ride to the relatively untouched California town of Julian.
Horses, cows and sheep were our only roadside companions.
Picturesque in it's nature, Julian is treasure hidden in the rocky mountains of San Diego County.
As with most hidden gem's and social media frenzy, the word gets out, and the crowds were as  abundant as the juicy apples we were picking.
I really wanted to take the boys apple picking this year as I have fond memories of doing the same as a child in Charlottesville, at Carter Mountain Orchard.
Jonah loved picking all the apples from the tree and throwing all the apples that lay on the ground.
Asher just loved shoveling whole apples into his mouth.
Once our bags were overflowing with yummy red fruit, we loaded up our wagon and headed home while I went over all the yummy recipes in my head where I could utilize this Fall treat.
(**side note - those delicious thoughts quickly dissipated as Jonah didn't enjoy the curvy ride home and got car sick - all over himself and my car).  No outing is perfect with two kids so I've come to accept.  I'll take it if it means making memories with my boys.  Puke and all.



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