Saturday, July 20, 2013

our lake vacation.

Who hooo we are on vacation!

We recently got back from a week long trip to Michigan to visit with Brody's family.  It was a really great week, not just because all the Welte's were together, but because it was beautiful on Lake Huron.  We all stayed in Oscoda, MI, which is right on Lake Huron.  Being an Outer Banks girl, I have never had a "Lake" vacation so I didn't really know what to expect.
It really is just like a beach.  Lots of sand and clear beautiful water, but without waves, jellyfish or sharks!  Score one for the Lake!
Jonah had so much fun meeting and playing with all his cousins.  The last time we were in MI, I was just pregnant with Jonah so he hasn't met almost all of them.  It was a very special week and we had so much fun spending time together.

Brody with his brothers Dean and Dirk and nephew Brendan at the beach.

Michigan black squirrel - very cool!  Beautiful Lake Huron and Paul Bunyan - yes we are in MI now!

Jonah with his cousin Wynn.  They are only 4 months apart - his closest aged cousin on the Welte side.  They had a blast playing together

Jonah's first time at putt-putt.  He actually did great!  Way better than I did!

Uncle Love.

Great-Granny B. It was so nice to see her!

Jonah playing on the Lake.  It was so beautiful!

Part of the Welte clan.

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