Tuesday, March 12, 2013

east coast trip.

We are home now from our week long trip to Virginia.  Laundry is done, suitcases are unpacked and the fridge is once again full.  It's as if we didn't even leave.  Except we did, and Jonah reminds me daily of our adventure to the other coast with stories of Mimi's cats, Uncle Jeffies funny hair and Barb's toy Mac.
Jonah likes to talk. If you visited with him last week, then you probably witnessed Mr. Chatterbox yourself.  I know he had a really fun time because he doesn't stop talking about it!  We were in VA for about 9 days and we managed to visit with a lot of my friends and family.
Our first stop was to D.C. Brody was presenting at the IDEA Fitness Conference on his PaddleFit program.  It gave me a partner to ride in the airplane with (no way I could fly by myself!) and an excuse to visit.  I was able to see two of my bestfriends from JMU Vanessa and Meghan.  I also got a chance to spend some time with my bestfriend from highschool, Kendall!  It is always so nice to see friends and I love showing off my boys!

After D.C.we headed north to Baltimore to visit with the DeBoys and the Faheys!  I just loved watching Jonah and Asher with my Grandparents.
Asher with Great-Grandpa Fahey

Jonah and Cousin Mark. He loved Mark!  He asked him if he could sleep with him and go to work with him the next day. So Cute!
Grandpa and Jonah playing cars.


LOVE this picture!
It was Jonah's 3rd Birthday on the night we were in Baltimore, so we celebrated with cupcakes! 
Happy Birthday!  Jonah is 3 now, but if you ask him how old he is, he aggressively announces he's still 2.  He's a little young to be lying about his age, but I guess he doesn't want to grow up!
Next stop was Hopewell to spend the week with Mimi and Pop Pop.
Pop Pop with his grandsons.
Jonah loved Mimi's house.  Maybe it was the cats?  Maybe it was Uncle Jeffie?  Maybe it was her cooking? (why does Grandma's food always taste better than moms?)  Whatever it was, he had a great time playing, running and spending time with his family.
Jonah and Jef.  He told Jef at dinner that he was funny hair.  I guess he's used to seeing blondes!
What is it about Grandma's cooking?
Jonah with James.  It was great to see my cousin Courtney and meet her new daughter Anna.  Jonah and James played pretty well together when a toy wasn't up for grabs!
Asher with Grandma Walsh.

Jonah knows Grandma through Skype so he knew who she was when we went over.  We had a great lunch with her and hopefully didn't cause too much chaos at Imperial Plaza! 
My cousin Tracy and her family came over for dinner one night too and Jonah met his match in her son Hunter. They were instant friends and Jonah is still talking about his friend Hunter.  Makes me wish we all lived closer. 
The last day was really nice so we went to a nearby park right on the river and Dad and Brody went paddleboarding. A great end to a great trip.

Thanks to everyone who made an effort to see us. We love you all and had a great time. 

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