Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Our Sea World passes expired yesterday and we are not renewing them, so I really wanted to head down there one more time. The park was empty and we had a really fun time. 

They had the flamingos out in front and I don't think I have really ever been that close to one.  They are alot bigger than I thought.

This is a two-toed sloth.  SO cool! I got to feed her a piece of sweet potato.

Since noone was there, we got to get really close to the dolphin, Jonah loves the dolphin and usually there are so many people around that it's hard to get them to come close.

The dolphin girl!  Reliving my days at the Baltimore Aquarium when I got called down to pet the dolphin in front of everyone. What does it feel like they ask......I think I said "a hotdog".  I was seven.

Jonah petting an American Alligator.

Sweet Asher slept most of the time.

Love this...

The "polar" ice in the Wild Arctic exhibit.

Polar Bear paw vs. two year old paw

Fun Day!!

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