Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mommy and me.

Brody has been out of town for the last week or so.  It's just been me and Jonah hanging out.  I have to admit - I am completely and utterly exhausted!  It's not that Brody does so much when he's home (sorry honey but it's true), but that extra set of hands/eyes makes a huge difference when you are just about 9 months pregnant.

I have done my best to keep Jonah happy and occupied, but as we are ending our time of "just the two of us", I am at a loss and just want to lounge on the couch all day!  We have succeeded in getting everything we need for the baby, the nursery ready and some cleaning.  We have visited playgrounds daily, the beach on occasion and done lots and lots of random shopping.

Yesterday, my errand list was long and we hit 5 stores within an hour.  I guess I need to enjoy the quick trips with just one before I am lugging Jonah and a carseat!  I am ready to not be pregnant anymore, but am terrified of the baby!  You'd think since this is my second go around I'd be a lot calmer, but I am not.  How in the world will I handle two boys!!!  I am just praying that this baby is a lot more mellow that Jonah was as an infant.  A good sleeper, a good eater (breastfeed please!), a content-soul.  Please say your prayers for me ;). 

I am also getting major anxiety about the actual birth.  I didn't have the easiest labor with Jonah and I am absolutely dreading the entire thing.  I know the outcome is worth it, but ugh getting there is no fun!

Jonah is starting to get very demanding now too.  He is over 2 1/2 now and his attitude shows it.  He is mr. bossy about everything and can get down right mean when he wants to be!  I am working on his attitude and bossiness, but what can I say the guy is persistant!  He is a handful indeed, but I find if I can focus his energy he does much better.  He is not an arts and crafter, maybe it's cause he is a boy or maybe he is simply too young, but I have tried to make cute pumpkins, fall trees, etc. and he just gets mad and frustrated when it doesn't go the way he wants it to go.

He is still the WORST eater in America.   All he wants is sweets.  I can only get him to eat at two places - Jersey Mike's Subs and Pizzicato.  He will eat a sub and slam down a slice of pizza but if I try to make him either at home he doesn't even take a bite.  He likes to eat out I guess!! 

Ok so this post jumped around a lot and it is very "wordy" so I'll leave with some pictures of our week without daddy.

Jonah is obsessed with the hose.  He trapped me inside the other day with threats to "squirt mommy."

Jonah's new favorite thing - Puzzles!  He is so good it is amazing to watch him.  I don't even help him put together these jigsaw puzzles he does them all by himself.

Not so excited about his halloween costume.

Striking a pose at Jersey Mikes.

Sunset on the beach.  Last weekend we spent every afternoon evening at the beach.  It was 101 degrees in Cardiff where I live and we don't have AC!  MISERABLE!

Puzzle boy!

Jonah likes to go to the library too and take all the books of the shelf.  He isn't so into the "being quiet" part.

And even more puzzles!  He has tons now cause I keep buying them.  He just loves to do them, they are good for his brain and it gives mommy a break!
That's it for now!  Daddy comes home Monday - Thank God!

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