Monday, July 30, 2012

I really  have nothing new to report, hence my lack of blog posts, but I am aware that some of you check in regularly to see what the Welte crew has been up to and I am sure you have been disappointed with my lack of posts!

All I can say is - GET USED TO IT!  I can't imagine that it will get much better with a second baby!  I will do my best to continue to post as I it's a great way for me to keep track of memories for Jonah and for us.  Just the other day, I was looking back at all blog posts and it really is like a virtual journal/baby book.

With that said, he are some photos of our latest adventures.

Building sand castles at the beach.

Having a little fun making Jonah my daughter.  (I took it right out!).

Jonah and his bestie Alex at the San Diego Zoo.

Waiting for the petting zoo.

Jonah loved feeding the goats.

We planted pumpkins!  Not sure if they will grow or not, but if they do, they should be ready mid-October!

Jonah hanging out in his baby brother's new room!  Starting to slowly put the baby stuff out.

Boys will be boys.  Motor mat and matchbox cars have taken over my house!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pop Pop's visit to Cali.

My dad got to come visit for a few days last week.  He hasn't seen Jonah in over a year, so this was a very special trip!  It's sad that Jonah doesn't get to see his grandparents often.  I know it's hard on my parents (and Brody's).  But we are fortunate for any time we get to spend with them and this trip was no exception.

Jonah had Pop Pop all to himself for a few days and I think they really enjoyed eachother!  We did alot on his visit, went to SeaWorld, the beach and even a Padres Baseball game (Jonah's first!).

My dad was amazed at how smart Jonah is, as am I everyday.  He also got a chance to see Jonah's strong personality in full effect (he's a bit bossy these days.)  The kid knows what he wants and isn't afraid to let everyone know it.  Here are some pictures for the visit!

Dad at the tiki man carving outside a great surf spot in Encinitas.  He had fun surfing out in CA.  Water was a little cold, waves were a little big - but he hung with the best of them!

Playing Angry Birds on the ipad.

Pop Pop was showing Jonah how cool it is to sleep in your big boy bed.

At Seaworld petting some sort of lizard..

Bad photography skills, but Pop Pop in front of Beluga Whale.

Jonah's first train ride on the coaster down to the Padres game!

Jonah got to throw a few back with Spidey!

We had a lot of fun with Pop Pop!  Can't wait until we get to visit again!  Thanks for making the trip out to CA despite your busy schedule!  Love you!