Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bad blogger.

So I see that I am turning into not the greatest blogger.  It's not that we are super busy, I mean we are but I really have no other excuses other than I am a lazy and pregnant!  Jonah and I have been spending most of our days outside.  He is boycotting walks, which is annoying because it's the only way that I can get excerise these days!  He just doesn't want to sit in his stroller.  We walk together, but that takes FOREVER and we don't really go far.  So when we aren't walking we are playing at park usually.  Jonah LOVES the park/playground.  We camp there a few hours a day.  

I am having a lot of fun with Jonah these days.  We are starting to get over major tantrums and he is most of the time really really fun to be around.  He talks ALL day long.  His vocabulary is amazing.  I get comments daily on how much he talks for his age.  Most people think he is at least three because of his speech.  He is still not the best eater.  He will chow down on a PB&J, but other than that he is pretty picky.  He still doesn't like vegetables at all really.  I can get him to eat edamame and carrots but that's about it!  Give the kid some chips and salsa and he's in heaven.  He also has a HUGE sweet tooth.  You can bribe him to do anything with some chocolate chips.

My biggest challenge with Jonah is bed time.  Nap or no nap he doesn't go to sleep until 9:30p.m.!!  That's right, 9:30!  He is a Welte night owl for sure!  I can get him in bed at 9:30 but usually about 2a.m. he's opening my door and crawling in bed with me!  Every night I have a visitor and it's proving VERY hard to break this habit.  We are going to be moving him into a twin bed soon not just a toddler bed as I need the mattress for the baby, so once he has his new bed it is Jonah bootcamp I guess.  The habit needs to be broken before I have a crying newborn in my room too!!

I have a mix of random pictures, all from my phone so they may not be best quality!

So we got his twin bed yesterday.  He hasn't made it through the night yet in it, but here's to hoping!

Jonah and I have been spending more time at the beach these days!  He really loves it.

High tide made for some great little pools in the sand.  Jonah jumped and played in these for a good two hours the other day.

We like to go to dog beach so the whole family can enjoy!

Spending 90% of our life outside means sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen!  Sometimes Jonah like to put it on himself.  A quiet Jonah is never a good sign.  He was in his room "re-applying" the other day all by himself.

My college girlfriend Vanessa and her husband came for a short visit with their sweet baby Kayla!  Jonah LOVED her!  Mainly because she was too young to play with any of his toys I think.

Jonah what do you want for lunch?  "Sandwichhhhh".  Jonah is going to make me go broke on Jersey Mike's subs.  But for a kid that doesn't seem to eat anything, I will take him everyday for his sandwich!

Love him.

Jonah is SO social.  I was worried about him a little when he was younger, especially since he doesn't go to day care or anything so he is around adults a lot more than kids, but no issues here.  Jonah loves everyone!  Well everyone his age or older and young babies.  He still has issues with younger kids and sharing!  But here he is playing with his friend Oliver.

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