Monday, March 5, 2012

I am two.

Meet two year old Jonah.

He's not afraid to get into trouble.  And he does quite often. Maybe he'll be a chef?

He is a momma's boy and I wouldn't have it any other way.

He loves his Dad, especially when he gets home from work.  Jonah greets him at the window....Daddy's here!!

He likes to brush his teeth, but only if he does it.  Which probably means only one or two teeth actually gets clean.

He got a tricycle for his birthday, but he refuses to wear the helmet so he doesn't get to ride it.

He picks out what clothes he wears every day.  He usually demands a "cars shirt" (Lightening McQueen).  We own about six because God forbid I don't have a clean one.

He is still a really bad eater.  He requests chocolate, watermelon and milk - that's about it.  He does down a slice of NY style cheese pizza pretty fast.

He LOVES books.  Requests at least 10 a night at bedtime.  "one more" "one more" then cheers "yayyyyy" when I say "ok, one more" (which ends up being about five more because I am a complete sucker.)

He has a new pet fish named, Bill.  Picked the name out all by himself.  He feeds Bill every morning and asks "Where's Bill?" throughout the day.

He is very hot - tempered, but very sweet too.  He loves his dogs.  He loves walks in the stroller.  He loves to play outside with the "girls" (our neighbors across the street.)  He is obsessed with cars, trucks and trains.  He likes to color pictures (and throw his crayons all over the house).  He likes to run around the house yelling "hey, get back here" about random household items.  

He challenges me everyday.  He loves me and I love him.

Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet boy!

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